Ben Palumbo

Home 5 Class of 2000 5 Ben Palumbo

Bowling Administrator

As a college student at Canisius, Ben Palumbo discovered a passion for bowling which has lasted a lifetime. For over 40 years, Ben has combined his chosen profession, the practice of law, with a singular commitment to bowling. With a youthful vigor which belies his age, Palumbo continues both pursuits on a full-time basis.

Ben, for many years, carried averages in the high 190s, and he was one of Buffalo’s finest competitive bowlers. His dedication to the sport has gone far beyond personal participation, however, to a deep involvement in nearly every aspect of bowling administration at the local, state and national level. Locally, Ben has served the Buffalo Bowling Association as director (elected 1964-65), president (1973-now life member), assistant secretary-treasurer (1978), chairman of the BBA Hall of Fame Committee (past 24 years) and executive director-treasurer (1979-present). Beginning in 1972, Ben expanded his horizons to the New York State Bowling Association, as director (1972), president (1978-now life member), and chairman of NYS Hall of Fame Committee. In the latter capacity, Palumbo drafted the original New York State Hall of Fame Charter. Ben is also a frequent bowling writer and member of Bowling Writers Association of America.

With this impressive background, involvement on a national level beckoned, and Ben answered the call. He served as an American Bowling Congress director (1975-85), ABC rules committee chairman (1985-86), member of ABC legal committee (1976-1990), and he is currently chairman of the ABC nominating committee and member of the ABC advisory and officers committee. He has served on all national ABC committees, chairing many of them.

Palumbo’s love affair with bowling has undoubtedly produced special moments too numerous to mention, but the highlights include a 300 game in 1969, election as president of the American Bowling Congress in 1995-96 (only the 5th Buffalonian to hold the post), election of the NYSBA Hall of Fame in 1987 and recognition as the Buffalo Area Bowling Council “Man of the Year” (1985). Ben is also a member of the Buffalo Bowling Association Hall of Fame. In recent years, Ben has also promoted the sport through his efforts as a Board Member for the Greater Buffalo Sports Hall of Fame. Tonight, that organization recognizes Ben’s extraordinary and tireless devotion to a sport for which thousands of Buffalonians share his enthusiasm.